The Art Of Sushi Making: How To Roll Like A Pro

Sushi is a traditional Japanese food that consists of vinegar-seasoned rice, which is combined with other ingredients such as raw seafood, vegetables and sometimes tropical fruits. It’s believed to have originated in Southeast Asia around 200 BC and then spread through China before reaching Japan during the Nara period (710 – 794). 

While there are many different types of sushi today–including maki rolls and nigiri–the most common type is nigiri-zushi (hand-pressed sushi), which consists of a piece of vinegared rice topped with raw fish or shellfish.

Roll Sushi Like a Pro With Chef Masa From ONYX
1. Understanding the proper technique for rolling sushi is crucial for achieving professional results.
2. Preparing seasoned sushi rice with the right texture is essential for successful sushi rolls.
3. Choosing high-quality ingredients, such as fresh fish and crisp vegetables, enhances the overall taste and appearance of sushi.
4. Utilizing a bamboo mat (makisu) helps achieve tightly rolled and well-shaped sushi rolls.
5. Experimenting with various sushi fillings and toppings allows for creativity and personalization in sushi-making.
6. Practice and patience are key in mastering the art of sushi-making. Continuous practice will improve rolling techniques and presentation.

The art of making sushi requires great skill and patience; however, if you follow these steps carefully you’ll be able to create delicious rolls at home!

Tools and Equipment

  • Knives
  • Cutting boards
  • Bamboo rolling mats
  • Sushi rice (optional)
  • Nori seaweed sheets (optional)
    If you’re going to make sushi at home, it’s important to have the right tools and equipment. Here are some of the most essential pieces:
A video about making Sushi

Preparing the Rice

The first step in the process is to wash your rice. This will help remove any excess starch and make it easier to roll. Next, cook your rice according to the instructions on its package (most sushi rice needs only 10 minutes). Once cooked, drain off any excess water and place into a large bowl.

Next comes an important part: adding vinegar mixture! This is what gives sushi its distinct flavor and helps prevent it from going bad too quickly–it’s also what makes sushi taste so good! Add 1/4 cup of vinegar per 1 cup of uncooked rice; stir well until evenly mixed throughout each grain of uncooked Japanese short-grain white or brown rices like Koshihikari or Tamaki Gold varieties respectively.

After adding this mixture stir again until all grains are evenly coated in vinegar then let sit for 5 minutes before cooling off by placing into refrigerator for about 30 minutes (or longer depending on how much time you have).

1Wash the sushi rice under cold water until the water runs clear.
2Cook the rice in a rice cooker or on the stovetop according to the instructions on the Japanese rice packaging.
3In a small saucepan, combine rice vinegar, sugar, and salt to create sushi vinegar.
4Gently heat the sushi vinegar mixture until the sugar and salt dissolve.
5Transfer the cooked rice to a large bowl and drizzle the sushi vinegar mixture over it.
6Use a wooden spatula or rice paddle to mix the vinegar into the rice, making horizontal cutting motions followed by gentle folding motions.
7Fan the rice as you mix it to help cool it down and achieve a glossy appearance.

Making the Filling

Once you have your ingredients ready, it’s time to begin making the filling. The first step is choosing which ones you want to use. 

You can use any type of seafood or vegetable that suits your taste and dietary needs, but keep in mind that certain types will require different preparation methods than others (for example, fish must be cooked before being eaten).

Once you’ve chosen what ingredients will go into your sushi roll, prepare them according to their specific requirements (for example: cut up vegetables and slice fish). Once they’re prepped, it’s time for some knife work!

Building a well-organized meal plan can simplify your home cooking and provide a sense of structure. Check out our comprehensive guide on meal planning to learn effective strategies for saving time and creating delicious meals.

Assembling the Sushi

The first step is to lay out your nori. You want it to be flat and straight, so if you can use a bamboo mat or even just a cutting board as a guide, that’s great!

Next, spread rice over the entire sheet of nori (you don’t need much–just enough so that there aren’t any bare spots). 

Then add your fillings in an even layer across one half of the sheet. If you’re using raw fish or chicken breast, slice them into thin strips before adding them; if using cooked meat like beef or pork belly, cut it into small cubes. 

Finally comes some kind of vegetable–this could be cucumber slices or avocado cubes; if you have access to fresh wasabi root from Japan (it looks like ginger but has green leaves growing out of its top), grate some onto each piece before rolling up your sushi roll carefully with both hands until everything is tucked inside securely and tightly wrapped around itself at least three times (more for larger rolls). Your finished product should look like this:

Fermentation is an art form that can enhance the flavors and textures of certain sushi ingredients. Learn how to make your own kimchi and kombucha with our guide on the art of fermentation, offering step-by-step instructions and tips to elevate your sushi-making skills using these fermented elements.

Cutting the Sushi

Once you’ve rolled your sushi, it’s time to cut it into pieces. The most important thing to remember is that you want to make sure that each piece has an equal amount of rice and fish in it. To do this, use a sharp knife and cut through both sides of the nori sheet at once; then slice your roll into even pieces (usually six or eight).

Discover the essential kitchen gadgets for bakers that can elevate your sushi-making experience. Our ultimate list of kitchen gadgets for bakers offers valuable insights and recommendations to enhance your culinary skills and create impressive sushi rolls.


Once you’ve rolled your sushi, it’s time to present it. Presentation is an important part of any meal, but especially when it comes to sushi. There are many ways that you can garnish and plate your rolls so that they look as good as they taste.

The first step in presentation is adding sauces or condiments such as soy sauce or wasabi paste (or both!). 

This can be done directly onto the fish itself or on top of the rice before rolling–it’s up to you! If using soy sauce directly on top of fish, use only a small amount so that it doesn’t overpower other flavors in your roll.

Next comes garnishing: this refers specifically to adding toppings like sesame seeds and pickled ginger slices after plating your creation; however some people prefer not putting anything extra on their finished product at all!

Presentation Tips for Sushi Making
Plating Techniques
Sauce Drizzling
Sushi Bar Experience

Storing Sushi

Once you’ve made your sushi, it’s important to store it properly. The best way to do this is in the fridge. If you want to eat your sushi later on (or if you’re making a lot), wrap each piece in plastic wrap and then place them in an airtight container with a lid. 

This will keep them fresh for up to two days before they start getting soggy and mushy due to moisture building up inside the roll.

If you don’t have time for that extra step but still want some tasty leftovers, freezing works too! Just make sure that when you take out your rolls from their freezer bag or Tupperware container after thawing them out again at room temperature, they aren’t too wet or else they may fall apart when trying to cut through them with a knife or pair of chopsticks–and nobody wants that!

Embracing a plant-based eating approach offers numerous benefits for your health and the environment. Learn how to incorporate more vegetables into your diet with our insightful guide on the rise of plant-based eating, providing valuable tips and inspiration for adding flavorful plant-based ingredients to your sushi creations.

Serving Sushi

Serving sushi cold is a must. You can serve it at room temperature, but don’t warm it up as this will cause the rice to become soggy and fall apart. If you’re serving your sushi in a restaurant, make sure that it’s kept in an ice bath until ready for consumption by guests.

Sushi should be served with accompaniments such as soy sauce (shoyu), wasabi paste and pickled ginger slices so that customers can add these items themselves according to their tastes. It’s also important to ensure food safety when preparing sushi rolls–make sure all ingredients are fresh and clean before using them!

Maintaining a healthy cooking environment is crucial for preparing wholesome meals, including sushi. Discover our selection of the best kitchen appliances for healthy cooking, designed to assist you in creating nutritious and delicious sushi dishes that align with your dietary goals.


Congratulations on making it through this guide! You’re now ready to start your own sushi journey.

As with any new skill, there are many things that can go wrong when you’re learning how to make sushi. But don’t worry–you’ll get better with practice. 

Here are some tips for success:

Use the right ingredients and tools. Make sure you have all of the ingredients needed before starting your roll; otherwise, it will be difficult or impossible to complete it successfully! Also make sure that all of your tools are clean and sanitized before use (this includes knives). 

This will help ensure that no harmful bacteria gets introduced into your food during preparation. Be patient when rolling out rice or seaweed sheets–it may take some time until they’re thin enough without tearing apart on their own.

Don’t forget about keeping everything cold while working with them; heat speeds up fermentation processes which could lead toward spoilage if left out too long.

Try making small batches at first so as not overwhelm yourself by trying something too ambitious right off the bat–start out simple then work up from there once confidence has been gained through experience.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further enhance your knowledge and skills in sushi making:

Nobu Sushi Tips from Nobuyuki Matsuhisa: Renowned chef Nobuyuki Matsuhisa shares valuable tips and techniques to elevate your sushi-making abilities.

Mastering the Art of Sushi at Home: It’s All in the Technique: Discover the secrets of sushi-making technique through this detailed guide, packed with insider tips and tricks.

How to Make a Sushi Roll: WikiHow provides step-by-step instructions, along with visuals, on how to make your own sushi rolls at home.


What ingredients are typically used in sushi rolls?

Sushi rolls commonly include ingredients such as rice, seaweed sheets (nori), raw or cooked seafood, vegetables, and various sauces.

What equipment do I need to make sushi at home?

To make sushi at home, you will need a sharp knife, a bamboo rolling mat (makisu), a bowl of water for wetting your hands and knife, and a cutting board for preparing ingredients.

Is it safe to consume raw fish in sushi?

Eating raw fish in sushi is generally considered safe if good quality, fresh fish is used and proper food safety practices are followed during preparation.

Can I make sushi without raw fish?

Absolutely! Sushi can be made with cooked or vegetarian fillings, such as cooked shrimp, crab, tofu, avocado, cucumber, and various vegetables.

How do I prevent the sushi rice from sticking to my hands?

To prevent the rice from sticking to your hands, wet your hands with water or vinegar before handling the rice. It adds moisture and makes the rice less sticky.