The Rise Of Plant-Based Eating: How To Incorporate More Veggies Into Your Diet

Embark on a journey toward healthier and more sustainable eating habits by embracing the rise of plant-based eating. This comprehensive guide will show you how to incorporate more veggies into your diet without sacrificing taste or satisfaction.

From the benefits of eating more leafy greens to the best methods for seasoning your dishes with herbs and spices, you’ll find everything you need to make the transition to a more plant-focused diet.

Veggie Bento Box

  • Vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
  • There are many ways to prepare vegetables so they are more flavorful.
  • Use vegetables in place of meat in your meals.

Vegetable-Based Juice

Juicing is a great way to get a lot of nutrients quickly, but it’s important to make sure you’re getting a wide variety of vegetables in your juices. 

you’re not used to eating them and just want the benefits, this is a good option for fitting more veggies into your diet. If that sounds like something you’d like to try, here are some ideas for easy plant-based juice recipes:

  • Apple-Apple Juice
  • Carrot-Carrot Juice (or substitute carrot with celery)

Add More Veggies To Your Smoothies

It’s easy to add more vegetables to your smoothies by simply adding them. This can be done by blending them with fruit, or freezing the fruit you already have on hand and using it in place of ice cubes.

The best way to get your smoothie process started is with a high-powered blender. The more powerful the blender, the better! 

If you don’t yet have a high powered blender then I would recommend picking one up as soon as possible because they are truly an essential tool for creating awesome tasting meals and snacks in just minutes.

Prepare A Veggie-Heavy Breakfast

One of the easiest ways to get more veggies in your diet is by preparing them for breakfast. Simply adding a few vegetables to your morning meal will result in tons of health benefits and also reduce hunger throughout the day, as well as help you feel full through lunchtime.

Here are some ideas:

  • Vegetable omelette (add spinach or mushrooms)
  • Vegetable hash (add zucchini)
  • Vegetable frittata (add mushrooms)
  • Vegetable pancake (add zucchini or squash). Another option is making zucchini “fries” by slicing lengthwise into long strips, tossing with olive oil and spices like smoked paprika, salt and pepper then baking at 350 degrees F until tender

Spiralize Your Potatoes

Spiralizing potatoes is one of the easiest ways to incorporate more veggies in your diet.

The process is simple: take a potato, cut it into thin slices and run it through a spiralizer. You’ll end up with long, spaghetti-like strands that are perfect for topping pizzas or adding as sides to tacos.

If you don’t have time to spiralize or don’t have access to one at home, simply grate the potatoes with a box grater instead. Grated potatoes work well in soups, stews and mashed potatoes too!

Potatoes are known for their nutritional value as well; they provide vitamin C as well as potassium and fiber (one medium potato has about 25 calories).

Choose Vegetable Toppings Over Meat Toppings On Pizza

If you’re currently a meat-eater, the idea of topping your pizza with veggies might seem strange. But why not try it? Not only will they give you an extra serving of veggies, but they can also be the star of the show.

For example:

  • Vegetables that are more firm and chewy like onions, mushrooms, bell peppers and artichokes will stand up better than softer ones like tomatoes or spinach when fully cooked. If a vegetable has no flavor on its own (like eggplant), try sautéing it in garlic or olive oil before adding to your pizza for additional flavor and texture.
  • Many people think that vegetables have to go on top of cheese but this isn’t true! Try putting vegetables directly onto dough instead so that they get crispy from baking at high heat in an oven rather than absorbing all those delicious oils from melted cheese below them.”

Grill Your Vegetables Instead Of Roasting Them In The Oven

The grill is a great way to add flavor and texture to vegetables. Grilling vegetables gives them a smoky taste, which leaves you feeling like you’re eating something much more substantial than just veggies. They also retain their crunchy texture—and this can be especially helpful for cooking vegetables that are hard to cook in other ways (such as eggplant).

Grilled vegetables are also healthier for you than baked or roasted ones because they don’t involve the use of oil or butter. 

The oil from the grill drips down onto the hot metal and then evaporates, leaving only its smoky aroma behind.

Add Zucchini As A Substitute For Noodles In Pasta Dishes.

Zucchini is a great substitute for pasta in pasta dishes as it provides a similar texture, but with significantly fewer calories and carbs.

Zucchini noodles are also high in fiber and contain no gluten, making them an ideal choice for those with food allergies or disorders. 

Zucchini noodles have a very mild taste that works well with any kind of sauce or dressing you may want to add on top of it!

Roast Your Favorite Veggies To Bring Out Their Natural Sweetness (And Add Them To Toast)

Roasting your favorite veggies brings out their natural sweetness.

Roasting can be done in the oven or on the stovetop, depending on what you’re making and how much time you have.

For example, to roast veggies for toast, preheat your oven to 350℉ and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 

Slice up whatever veggies look good (I like peppers, onions, mushrooms), toss them in olive oil and salt and pepper, then spread them out on the baking sheet. Bake until they’re tender (about 20 minutes). 

This is also a great method if you want to make roasted vegetables as a side dish or add some roasted peppers to pasta sauce!

Top Your Warm Salad With Roasted Veggies For More Flavor And Texture

Roasted vegetables are a great way to add more veggies to your diet. Your body needs vitamins, minerals and fiber in order to function at its best. By eating more fresh fruits and veggies, you’re giving your body what it needs to be healthy.

Roasted vegetables also add flavor and texture to salads or soups, stews and other dishes.

If You Start Getting Creative, It’s Pretty Easy To Make Vegetables The Star Of The Show

If you start getting creative, it’s pretty easy to make vegetables the star of the show. In fact, if you’re looking for a good way to get more veggies into your diet while still keeping things interesting, here are some tips:

Experiment with different preparation methods—roasting and sautéing are great ways to add flavor without adding too many calories or fat (and they’re also super simple).

Incorporate vegetables into your favorite meals by putting them on top of other ingredients—like mixing spinach into pasta dishes or adding carrots in between slices of sandwiches.

Seek out new ingredients that you haven’t tried before—this is one of my favorite parts about eating plant-based! You’ll be surprised by just how many options there really are out there when it comes down to cooking with vegetables alone.


And that’s it! We hope this guide has helped you make more room for veggies in your diet. One of the best things about eating plant-based is that there are so many delicious options to try, so don’t get discouraged if something doesn’t work out right away just keep experimenting and trying new things until you find something that fits into your routine. 

And remember: It doesn’t matter if everybody else thinks you can eat only salads or whatever strange stereotype they have because they think it makes them seem healthy or whatever other reason they might give; all that matters is whether or not YOU feel good!